Organic Broccoli Sprout Juice 40ml (321)

15 x Broccoli Sprout 40ml Juice Shot 40ml

Organic Broccoli Sprout Juice 40ml (321)





To encourage regular use for optimum health the broccoli Sprout Juice
is sold in a minimum quantity of 15

Two are included in Health Boxes

  • Certified Organiccertified organic
Anti Inflammatory
Immunity Health
Heart Health
Mood Health
Brain Health
Gut Healthy
Eye Health


Medjuica’s Broccoli Sprout Juice is a powerful 40ml shot, the equivalent of consuming 2.6kg of the Broccoli cruciferous vegetable. It has the enzyme Glucoraphanin, a water-soluble precursor of the phytochemical Sulforaphane, this helps detoxify and eliminate oxidative stress from toxic sources by activating the Nrf2 cell survival response. Young broccoli sprouts contain 10–100 times more sulforaphane than is found in the mature plant.

Sulphorafane was discovered in 1992 by Dr.Paul Talalay, Director of the Laboratory for Molecular Pharmacology at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, together with Biochemist Professor Jed Fahey. They conducted extensive research into Broccoli sprouts studies around ulcers, autism, schizophrenia, cardiovascular disease, cancer and more.  Over 2,000 scientific studies have been conducted on the benefits of this super-compound.


Additional information

Weight 5.00 kg
QTY in Box

12 bars